Killington Mountain Bike Club, Mountain Bike Vermont and Sushi Yoshi are proud to announce the return of the Killington Up & Down Roll Sunday, October 2nd. Round up your fastest roadie, cross country and downhill friends because this year’s event is a relay. Riders will compete in teams of three for each respective leg of the event.
A road racer will trigger the action in a mass start up East Mountain Road (Skyship Base Area) to K1 Base Area. The roadie will tag their cross-country team member who will ride a series of trails that finish at the K1 Peak Lodge. Tagging their downhill team member, the downhill racer will stop the clock after racing back down to Snowshed.
After the race all the riders will congregate for a critical mass ride from Snowshed to the after party at Sushi Yoshi.
Building on last year’s success, the event will highlight the momentum of the cycling community in Vermont. What better way to celebrate our sport than at an event that all cyclists can ride together?!

Registration is $35 for each competitor or $100 for a team. Registration includes: entrance to all post race activities, a jersey and 5 raffle tickets. All the profit from registration and raffle tickets will help fund the Killington Mountain Bike Club. Come out Sunday, October 2nd to enjoy a fall weekend in the mountains and help support a growing mountain bike community.